Wednesday, February 22, 2012


As a New Year's resolution I decided to lose weight. On this blog I will share everything from my weight to what I ate, the issues that are bugging me, the triumphs I celebrate and the downfalls I may have. 

My name is Emily or Emmy for short, I live in Houston, TX and I am 29 years old. I have been overweight for my entire life. And I am sick and tired of having all of this baggage I carry around with me. So in the month leading up to January 1, 2012 I decided that New Year's would be my day. My day to start a new life, to become healthy, to start exercising, and to eat better.

I am a lucky girl. I have so many friends, family and co-workers supporting me as I go through this journey.  I call this a journey because at the end, I will have gone through so many things. I know that this is a physical challenge, but some people don't realize that it is a very emotional challenge as well. I am asking myself not only to change my physical appearance but to also change my mental state of mind. 

So, no more treating me like it's not worth it! When I started this on January 1st I decided that I am worth it and that I WILL do this! I'm in a fight and I will win!

*Note - When the blog shows an original post date, all of my blogs were originally started at SparkPeople (a great website for anyone who wants to start a new lifestyle)

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